
In the summer of 2023 this web site was hacked (along with quite a few other sites of mine) and now in early 2024 it is being resuscitated, story by story, some old and some new.

We face the most critical year in our country’s history since the 1860’s and this is not hyperbole. If Donald Trump is reelected our country will be transformed beyond most people’s imagination. Initially, it will be modeled after Hungary, a gentler version of autocracy, but have no doubt that with Trump at the helm, and now with an army of devotees, his role models will be Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un. We are at a moment in history that will take all of us to prevent the end of democracy in America, and then it will be even more difficult for democracy to survive anywhere…

Here is the original About:

I never imagined that an art project would lead me down this road, but here I am. I had been horrified by Donald Trump’s comments from day one of his campaign. His racist comments and incitements of violence at his campaign rallies were shocking for someone actually running for President of the United States. There were so many horrible things that he said about the people of this country and other countries, not to mention how he spoke of his political opponents.

Then, in October 2016 Donald Trump’s outrageous comments from 2005 on Access Hollywood became public, exposing in his own words his inability to control himself around beautiful women. As he said on tape he can’t help it, he “just start(s) kissing them. It’s like a magnet…I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything… Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.” If what he had said prior to this wasn’t shocking enough this revealed a side of the now Republican candidate for the office of the presidency as a serial sexual predator.

I was now truly Triggered by Trump.

On election night I watched the results in horror from Cedars Sinai Hospital were my mom was in critical condition after numerous surgeries from inadequate care at a rehabilitation center. I felt that I must be in a nightmare and wondered when I would wake up.

It is now January 2018 and tomorrow is one year since Donald J Trump’s inauguration as President of the United States of America. The nightmare continues….

Have you also been Triggered by Trump?
Do his comments and actions trigger past trauma or have you been so outraged that you have been called to action?
Will you share your story?

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